We’ve come a long way from the days when hoes and spades were the pinnacle of farm equipment technology. Modern farm equipment is often complex, with many systems and subsystems that need regular adjustments and maintenance. One way to make it all easier is to break farm equipment maintenance up into parts. This guide from Atlantic Tractor will illustrate how you can better maintain your farm equipment part by part.

Read The Manual

If you have any question about how to best maintain your farm equipment, check the owner’s manual. The owner’s manual is an invaluable source of information, and it will contain advice on things like which products to use and how to avoid accidentally damaging your equipment during maintenance. 

The Tires

Farm equipment tends to be very big and heavy, which means that it needs a lot of traction to get anywhere. Of course, big and heavy equipment also puts added strain on tires, so it’s a good idea to perform the occasional inspection. Besides making sure that nothing has gotten stuck in the tires and that the treads aren’t too worn down, you should also try to keep the tires inflated to within the manufacturer recommended limit as much as possible. 

The Engine

An engine relies on coolant, oil, and hydraulic fluid to keep everything running smoothly and prevent damage. You’ll occasionally need to check the condition of these fluids, as well as refill them when they get low. Don’t forget to swap out the filters and check for leaks!

The Frame

There are two types of damage that your farm equipment’s frame can accrue. One is the normal dings and scrapes that accumulate over a lifetime of service. The other is much more serious, representing a threat to the equipment’s overall structural integrity. While the former can be painted over, the latter will usually require a service visit. 

The Attachments

Farm equipment attachments are useful, but malfunctioning attachments will at best be inefficient and at worst lead to a serious accident. Never attempt to use your farm equipment with damaged or broken attachment. 

The Operator Tools

Operator tools are the buttons, switches, and mirrors that the farm equipment’s operator uses to control the machine. If these tools aren’t working properly, then safely using the farm equipment will be difficult, if not impossible. That’s why taking care of your farm equipment’s interior is just as important as maintaining the exterior. 

Shop farm equipment at Atlantic Tractors. We operate 17 locations throughout Maryland, Pennsylvania, and Delaware. We also offer parts ordering, servicing, rentals, and promotions. We hope to see you soon!