When it comes time to shop for a new ag tractor, make sure you are comparing apples to apples. Differences between manufacturers can vary greatly.  Knowing this upfront could save you a lot of unexpected and costly issues in the future.

Two main areas of focus to on when comparing a John Deere to any other farm equipment manufacturer are horsepower and weight.


John Deere uses rated HP while some manufacturers use max HP.  Rated HP is the amount of horsepower produced at a specific engine speed. It is the max speed allowed for continuous, reliable performance. Max HP is the most horsepower an engine can produce. For example, a John Deere 7R 330 is rated 330 HP but its max HP is 363.  That’s giving you an additional 33 HP of lugging power to get you through the tough spots and keep you moving forward.  See some more comparisons here.  Bottom line is make sure you are comparing manufacturers’ rated to rated or max to max horsepower, not rated to max or any other combination.


When it comes to “weighing in” in the tractor world, heavier is better.  John Deere 8R series tractors can weigh up to 3,100 pounds more than some of its competition.  Additional weight can help prevent slippage, increase traction, create more stability and drive more down to earth power.  Knowing this information going into your purchase can prevent any surprises and frustrations in the field.

So when it comes time to shop, check out our John Deere comparative page or call your local Atlantic Tractor Sales Consultant for more information or to schedule a demo.  Atlantic Tractor is located throughout Maryland, Pennsylvania, and Delaware.