Part Four in a series on the features and benefits of the John Deere Operations Center
The features in the set up section of the Operations Center is where you need to start in preparing your John Deere Operations application software for Precision Ag to manage your farm.
The set-up core function in the Operations Center consists of these 6 areas:
- Connections – Trusted Advisors and Other Software tools
- Land – Fields, Flags, Boundaries and Tracks
- Products – Varieties, Fertilizers, Chemicals, and Tank Mixes
- Set up File Creator – Information going to the John Deere Displays from the Ops Center
- Team – Staff Members, Farm Equipment Operators, and Partners for the Organization
- Terminals – JDLink Modems are Managed here for your Connected Equipment
This blog is the first of two John Deere Operations Center set up articles and it is going to cover the first three set up core areas: Connections, Land, and Products. The other three core functions of set up will be in the next blog. FYI, the set up functions are only available in the web version of the Operations Center.
Connections - Trusted Advisors and Other Software Tools
Connections is where connected software tools that complement the features in the Operations Center can be discovered, researched, connected, and managed. Using connections minimizes the need to manually import and export data to other software systems. With a software connection enabled, the data flows automatically through APIs.
Over 100 connected software tools are available to help support producers’ operations. Producers can leverage these connected tools to provide information such as profitability, aerial imagery (plant health, weeds, seed emergence, etc.), prescriptions writers, soil information, and weather, to name a few.
Upon selecting connections under the set up tab in the Operations Center, users can clearly see what software applications are connected to the organization.
Land – Set up Fields, Flags, Boundaries, and Tracks
Fields, boundaries, guidance tracks, and flags can be viewed, managed, and created on a map or table within land. The land tool in the Operations Center is the heart of managing your fields and boundaries for ease of use in the cab with setup files sent to the display. Increase a grower’s confidence with the right information being sent to the display for increased field efficiency and increased fieldwork precision from pass to pass. This information can be reused across field operations and from year to year to improve automatic following of crop rows, fences, rocks, and posts along field edges; for sorting documented data; and more.
This link will take you to a comprehensive video about using land in the Operations Center. - Land Link
Products – Manage Varieties, Chemicals, Fertilizers, and Tank Mixes
A consistent, accurate list of inputs is the foundation for accurate documentation records and ensures clear, concise, and consistent communication and analysis within a grower’s team and partners. Having the right data from the beginning makes it easier to direct operations later. The information in the farm management system is only made valuable by collecting accurate records that can be used to both measure and manage when needed.
Products in the Operations Center web provides growers an easily accessible and central place to enter and manage the different inputs used in their farming operation.
Check out this link on setting up products - Link video