A successful farmer's market booth requires careful planning and strategy. The preparation work can make the difference between booming sales...and barely any sales. We created the following beginner's guide to making a farmer's market booth. If you have any questions or want to explore farm equipment for sale, head over to Atlantic Tractor. We are located throughout Maryland, Pennsylvania, and Delaware.

Gather The Supplies

The first step is getting the items needed for a successful farmer's market booth.

For showcasing the products:

  • A sturdy surface to place products on, such as a plastic folding table.
  • Containers to organize the products in. Try to use containers that are all the same style/color/branding.
  • Signage that clearly displays the pricing of products. Have one person create the signs to keep the handwriting and aesthetic consistent).

For customers to purchase products:

  • A lockbox for cash and change.
  • A credit card processing app, such as Square.
  • A Venmo account (optional).
  • Paper gift bags with handles.

For customers to learn about and recognize your brand:

  • Business cards with contact information clearly displayed.
  • A posted QR code, which you can create for free online, that brings up your farm's website.
  • A sign that showcases your farm's social media handles.
  • A newsletter detailing upcoming events at your farm.
  • T-shirts for workers to wear that showcase the farm's name.
  • A picture album of your farm and product creation process

For yourself and any other workers:

  • Water, snacks, and (if needed) caffeinated drinks.
  • Chairs to rest on.
  • A “Frequently Asked Questions” sign/document to display. That way, staff can focus on selling products and not answering the same customer questions over and over.

Set Up For A Successful Farmer's Market Booth

The set up of your farmer's market booth plays a big role in getting sales. You may offer the best products around, but a poorly designed booth will cause potential customers to walk on by. Implement a few tricks of the trade to generate booming sales.

First Time Farmer's Market Vendors

If this will be your first farmer's market, consider doing a test run at home. There are often little bumps in the road during setup. Maybe the table you planned on using can't fit all the products you want to bring. Maybe the products don't fit inside the dedicated containers as well as you'd hoped. It's much better to figure these issues out in advance and have plenty of time to troubleshoot...rather than scramble to make it work while you are also trying to help customers!

Placing The Products

As the old retail saying goes, "pile it high and watch it fly". Try to display all products between the waist and eye level of customers walking by. Use vertical displays whenever possible and add items to the table legs to increase its height as needed. 

Always aim to avoid placing anything on the ground. Customers often assume these items are now dirty. Plus, it creates an inconvenience. Customers have to bend over to pick up the item, which gives them another reason to pass on a purchase.

Adding Small Touches

A few tweaks can elevate the customer experience - and generate higher sales.

Consider the following tactics:

  • Cover the table in a tablecloth, preferably one that uses your company's colors.
  • Add colorful fabric scraps to any jar lids.
  • Offer samples, which can turn hesitant potential customers into enthusiastic buyers.
  • Give suggestions on how to use the product, such as what meals it goes well in, how to prepare it, and how to make it last longer. You can even provide a recipe or two that uses the produce.
  • Pre-package applicable products, which makes it easier for customers to understand the pricing and quickly make a purchase.
  • Use phrases such as "best selling"  or "most popular" on select items.
  • Avoid using "$" on price signs. A Cornell University study found that people buy more when the price tag lacks the dollar sign.

Success During A Farmer's Market

Once your farmer's market booth is set up, there are a few final touches to keep in mind. 

Stand, Don't Sit

Try to stand as much as possible. This puts you at eye level with customers, which helps them feel more natural interacting with you. They'll feel more comfortable approaching you, asking questions, and eventually buying the product.

Re-Organizing The Farmer's Market Booth

As you sell products, you will want to re-organize your display. Keep containers full and replace products once they sell. If you get low on a product, transfer it to a smaller container. If you notice any gaps on the display table, move the products around. You want your farmer's market booth to look as full and plentiful as possible.

We hope you enjoyed this beginner's guide to setting up a successful farmer's market booth! For more strategies or to shop farm equipment for sale, visit Atlantic Tractor. Our dealership offers a range of farm equipment for sale, making it easy to find exactly what you need. We run many dealerships throughout Maryland, Pennsylvania, and Delaware. Stop by your nearest dealership today!